Funding Opportunities
Decadal Survey Incubation (DSI) was recommended in the 2017 Earth Science Decadal Survey ( and intended to accelerate readiness of high-priority observables needing science requirements refinement, technology development, and/or other advancements prior to cost-effective flight implementation. Two targeted observables (TOs), both with important science objectives and societal applications, were identified for this program: Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) and Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV). This program element supports the development of Earth observing instrument sensor systems, advanced information systems, and enabling science studies to further advance PBL and STV. The ultimate intent of DSI is to enable the next generation of possible measurement approaches, system architectures, and mission concepts to address PBL and STV needs.
The overarching goals of the DSI program are to promote (1) innovation in the research, development, and demonstration of new measurement technologies in preparation for future integrated observing system architectures, and (2) science activities that support maturation of measurement concepts, retrieval algorithms, models, data assimilation, and/or integrated observing system approaches. The unique opportunity to blend technology development innovation closely guided by the needs of PBL and STV science goals will be a multi-phased approach over the remainder of the decadal period through at least 2027. Cutting-edge technologies for the future of DSI include smart sensors that utilize artificial intelligence, machine learning, onboard processing, photonic integrated circuits, system-on-a-chip solutions, metamaterials/metasurfaces, quantum remote sensing, deployable antennas, room temperature detectors as well as other compact microwave and optical architectures. In addition, Program of Record (POR) sensors, datasets, models, and data assimilation approaches will be exploited during the Incubation period to develop science infrastructure needed to prepare for integrated observing systems in the next decade. The ultimate goal of the Decadal Survey Incubation program is to position PBL and STV observation for low risk and high readiness priority in the next Earth Science Decadal Survey.
The USGS National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) issues this annual Program Announcement for assistance to support preservation, cataloging of and access to geological and geophysical data and materials for research and education use and address the Department of Interior’s Secretarial priorities. This activity is authorized by Section 351 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58, Sec. 351) which was amended by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Public Law 117-58).
Funder deadline – required
Funder deadline – No, but requested
NASA is partnering with the European Space Agency (ESA) on the ESA-led Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) gravitational wave observatory planned for launch in the early 2030s. LISA will detect gravitational waves in the milli-Hz band, opening a new window to study the Universe. LISA will measure gravitational radiation from a variety of astrophysical sources including the mergers of massive black holes, the capture of stellar-remnant black holes by galactic center black holes, close compact binaries in our own galaxy, and other potential sources. More information about the LISA mission can be found at
NASA’s specific contributions to LISA are the subject of ongoing discussions with ESA, but are expected to include elements of the instrument, elements of the spacecraft, and aspects of science data analysis and science interpretation, including potential Guest Investigator activities. While the development of hardware and ground-segment infrastructure is supported by NASA through the NASA LISA Study Office (NLSO) at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, this ROSES element concerns the support of U.S.-based investigators for developing tools and techniques for the analysis and interpretation of LISA data.
The LISA Preparatory Science (LPS) program has been created to provide support for U.S. investigators to conduct activities that contribute to furthering the eventual science yield of LISA. It is not intended as a vehicle for funding specific U.S. contributions to the LISA instrument or science ground segment, or to develop concepts for other missions outside of LISA. Proposals to the LPS program may request support to:
– Perform high-fidelity simulations of the expected waveforms for LISA sources and assessing their impact on LISA’s science return;
– Develop data analysis and statistical techniques useful for the extraction of scientific measurements from LISA data (e.g., parameter estimators, etc.);
– Refine and expand on LISA’s capabilities to conduct specific astrophysical investigations and evaluate LISA’s potential contributions in the context of the broader astrophysical landscape;
– Conduct astrophysics investigations that demonstrably prepare for the analysis and interpretation of the LISA data.
Funder deadline – required
Funder deadline – required
The Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program is an interdisciplinary program in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that supports the development of innovative analytical and statistical methods and models for those sciences. MMS seeks proposals that are methodologically innovative, grounded in theory, and have potential utility for multiple fields within the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. As part of its larger portfolio, the MMS Program partners with a consortium of federal statistical agencies to support research proposals that further the production and use of official statistics.
The MMS Program provides support through a number of different funding mechanisms. The following mechanisms are addressed in this solicitation:
– Regular Research Awards
– Awards for conferences and community-development activities
– Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (DDRI) Grants
– Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Supplements
MMS also supports Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) awards. Please see the CAREER Program Web Site for more information about this activity.
Funder deadline – required
Funder deadline – required
The NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium plans to award Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Fellowships (maximum $5K) in the areas of space science and engineering. Proposals must align with one or more of the 4 NASA Mission Directorates. These grants provide partial support (funds cannot be used for salaries and/or tuition) of Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation research for improvement beyond the already existing project. This fellowship is open to US citizens only. Permanent Residents are not eligible.
Due May 30, 2025
The FSGC Masters Fellowship Program provides a prestigious instrument to reward and attract the best and the brightest US citizens to space‑related careers. each Fellow will receive an Academic Year 2024-25 fellowship stipend of $10,000. Any US citizen admitted to or enrolled in one of the Consortium-affiliated university’s space related masters programs is eligible for the program. This fellowship is open to US citizens only. Permanent Residents are not eligible.
Due May 30, 2025
The program’s focus is on space exploration and the technology required to carry out the exploration of Space that are aligned with the priorities of NASA’s 4 Mission Directorates (Science Mission Directorate, Exploration System Mission Directorate, Space Operations Mission Directorate, Space Technology, and Aeronautics). Maximum funding per award is $25000. Sponsored by FSGC and Space Florida.
Due May 30, 2025
This year’s FSGC-Space Florida-KSC Technology Development and Commercialization Program RFP have topic areas for two KSC patented technologies. We are now seeking proposals to conduct needed development and testing of these technologies. The 2 topics are:
Large Space Mission Proposal Development
Astraeus wants to hear your biggest proposals. We invite PIs to submit 1-page white papers outlining their mission concepts for large space mission proposals and projects. We encourage submissions from all fields of space research, including astrophysics, planetary science, lunar exploration, and more. Even if your idea is not fully developed, we encourage you to submit a concept paper. Our goal is to support team formation and proposal development efforts for UF PIs targeting large space mission grants.