Funding Opportunities

STAR is space biosciences training for researchers interested in fundamental space biology and spaceflight-relevant research paradigms. It was implemented for the first time as a virtual pilot training in 2020-2021 and has continued annually since.

NASA has two major programs focused on life sciences in space. The Science Mission Directorate is home to the Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division’s Space Biology (SB) Program and the Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD) oversees the Human Research Program (HRP). These two programs represent the fundamental and applied aspects of the field of biology, respectively, and are described below. The STAR course covers both fundamental and applied space biology, as well as practical aspects of preparing for, conducting and analyzing the results of spaceflight experiments. This call solicits applications for the fifth (2024 – 2025) virtual cohort.

Important Dates:

Release April 05, 2024
Close June 28, 2024
STAR24 Applications Due June 28, 2024

Release: May 2024

Concept summary submission period: May – June 2024

Full proposals due: October 2024

Project selection: December 2024

The Appendix seeks proposals from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of outstanding early-career faculty members who are beginning independent research careers. The grants will sponsor research in specific high-priority areas of interest to America’s space program. ECF is intended to accelerate the development of groundbreaking, high-risk/high-payoff space technologies to support future space science and exploration needs of NASA, other government agencies, and the commercial space sector. Grants will be funded up to $250,000 each per year, with a maximum duration of three years.

  • Transformational Advanced Energetic Propulsion
  • Power Systems to Enable Small System Operations in Permanently Shadowed Lunar Regions

Proposals are being solicited via a two-step process where preliminary proposals are mandatory and only those invited may submit a full proposal. Mandatory preliminary proposals are due on or before July 15, 2024, and the target deadline for invited full proposals is October 24, 2024.

Release: July 2024

Concept summary submission period: July – August 2024

Full proposals due: October 2024

Project selection: December 2024

The USMA BAA seeks proposals from institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, foreign organizations, foreign public entities, and for-profit organizations (i.e., large and small businesses) for research based on the following campaigns: Socio-Cultural; Information Technology; Ballistics, Weapons, and Protections; Energy and Sustainability; Materials, Measurements, and Facilities; Unmanned Systems and Space; Human Support Systems; and Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Quantum Technologies.

Proposals are sought for cutting-edge innovative research that could produce discoveries with a significant impact to enable new and improved Army technologies and related operational capabilities and related technologies. The specific research areas and topics of interest described in this document should be viewed as suggestive, rather than limiting.

Closing date for applications: March 2025

Large Space Mission Proposal Development

Astraeus wants to hear your biggest proposals. We invite PIs to submit 1-page white papers outlining their mission concepts for large space mission proposals and projects. We encourage submissions from all fields of space research, including astrophysics, planetary science, lunar exploration, and more. Even if your idea is not fully developed, we encourage you to submit a concept paper. Our goal is to support team formation and proposal development efforts for UF PIs targeting large space mission grants.